Louise Kenward

Louise Kenward is a writer, artist and psychologist. Editor of the groundbreaking collection Moving Mountains: Writing Nature Through Illness and Disability (Footnote), her work has featured in Women on Nature, The Polyphony, The Clearing and Radio 3 (Landscapes of Recovery). In 2020, she set up ZebraPsych with the aim of raising awareness of energy limiting chronic illness, and she co-produced the anthology Disturbing the Body (Boudicca). Louise was Writer in Residence with Sussex Wildlife Trust (2021-2022) and is a postgraduate researcher at the Centre for Place Writing, Manchester Metropolitan University.


Comic book by Louise Kenward and Julian Gray

Fairytale inspired short story by Louise Kenward

  • The wording reads on the artwork, 'Access Now'- bright yellow wording with a love heart in red behind the wording, the neon lights are in a stylised handwritten font The neon words are framed inside a transparent Perspex box.  

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